FMC Mabank – VBS 2024
Child Pick-up Process
To ensure the safety of all children and provide a convenient child pick-up process for busy parents, you will have two options:
1. Drive-thru (similar to how the school handles)
2. Walk-In
On the first day of VBS, parents/guardians will be given a 2024 VBS pick-up card. YOU MUST PRESENT THIS CARD each day when you pick-up your child(ren). If you listed an alternate person on your VBS registration form, please make sure you give them this card. If the card is not presented, a state issued photo ID (Driver’s License) must be presented. PLEASE NOTE: children will not be released to anyone not listed as an authorized person on their VBS registration form.
1. Drive-Thru: Place the pick-up card/hanger on your rearview mirror or in the vehicle window to be clearly seen by the designated volunteer. Enter the church parking lot from East Woodland St (see map under the Documents section, located on the homepage) and follow the signs/directions. A volunteer will read the name(s) on your pick-up card/hanger and relay this information. Your child will be ushered to your vehicle.
PLEASE NOTE: If you do not have a pick-up card/hanger, please do not use the drive thru option. You must pick up the child inside the church, AND you will be required to present identification.
2. Walk-In: Enter the church building thru the church doors facing E Walnut St. Present your pick-up card/hanger OR ID to the registration volunteer. Your child will be ushered to you.
PLEASE NOTE: The Main Entrance doors should only be used for dropping off children at the start of VBS. Please do not use these doors for pick-up.