We are excited to bring you shipwrecked VBS this year!! Our theme "JESUS RESCUES"  reminds us when times are tough we can turn to Jesus and because of who He is and His love for us; He will rescue us. 

Each day kids age 4- grade 4(2014-2008) will  participate in 5 different stations that cater to a variety of different learning styles which reinforce the theme of the day. Kids will meet up with their crew leaders upon arrive and as a large group in the gym kids will prepare for the days adventure by singing fun songs and meeting their island Bible Memory Buddies before being dismissed into their small groups to their first station of the day. 

These stations include:

- Imagination Station ( dig into surprising and authentic discoveries)
- Games (play high energy games outside, weather dependent).
-Tropical Treats (kids break together for a snack that connects with the days bible verse)
- Bible Adventures (interactive bible story using all five senses)
- Kid Vid Cinema (watch films about real kids living out their faith in really cool ways)

Once all stations are completed they return to the gym to wrap up with music, drama, science experiments and more.

NEW!!!This year our littlest adventure seekers get to go on their very own adventure designed just for them. Children ages 4-5 ( born 2014/2013) will be experiencing an underwater tide pool. This program is identical to the program the elementary kids are doing only the style of teaching and level of activities is specifically designed with preschoolers in mind. Most days they will only join the big kids for the morning songs and snack time. On the first day, they will go straight down to their exploration stations with their leader to give them the time they need to get used to their new environment.

We are looking forward to having your child(ren) join us for what will be a fantastic week of fun and learning.  

If your child needs transportation we do have a 15 passenger vans with booster seats available to transport children to and from the event. 

If you are interested in joining our team and volunteering in any way, please apply using the online volunteer registration form found on the VBS homepage. You may also apply in person at the office or contact to Crystal Penner for more information. Please note to ensure the safety of the children/volunteers, all volunteers will be selected in compliance with our Risk Management Policies.