Dear Parents,

Thank you for enrolling your child/children for Stellar VBS!  Where kids will learn to Shine for Jesus! We pray that the week will be a blessing to your entire family.

Items that you should be aware of concerning our week at VBS:

1. VBS begins at 9:00 am and ends at 11:30 am.

2. On Monday June 12th, please arrive at 8:30 a.m. and pick up your child’s nametag at the tables in the main corridor of the church. Maps to your child’s room will be posted at the tables and guides will be present to help you find your child’s room.

3. Tuesday-Friday, you can drop your children off in their assigned room (where you took them on Monday) beginning at 8:45 am. We are unable to monitor children before 8:45 am, so please plan accordingly. Their crew leader will have their name tags for the rest of the week.

4. To ensure the safety and security of the children, they will remain in their groups until they are picked up by an adult. This year ALL GRADES will located in the Worship Center.  Preschool through 4th Grade will be seated in the Worship Center.

5. Missions - Each year we participate in a mission project during the week. This year we    are partnering with World Vision and will be raising money that will go towards   providing bibles to children around the world.

Empty Tomb Mission - We are also collecting toiletry items for Empty Tomb. We plan to fill 7 WHOLE TABLES by Friday! They accept toothbrushes, deodorant, soap, shampoo, toilet paper, diapers, and shaving supplies, etc. Did you know that in this one week of VBS we help to collect 75% of their annual items?

6. Please have each child bring 1 dozen cookies which will be used for snacks throughout        the week. (PEANUT FREE PLEASE)

7. Play clothes are encouraged, as some craft projects can get messy. Please have children      wear close-toe shoes (not sandals) to avoid injuries.

8. Please enter ONLY through the South Main Entrance.

Finally, we wish to invite you to join us for the closing program held on Friday, June 15th,If you have further questions, please call or email Tari Asche at 402-333-6464 or

God Bless!

King of Kings Church