Welcome to Scuba! Here is some helpful info you may want to know for your child's VBS experience.

We have two groups for VBS.

Group 1: Preschool which consists of those age 3 (by May 31, 2024 and completely potty trained) through those entering Kindergarten next fall.

Group 2: Elementary which consists of those who have completed Kindergarten in May 2024 through those who have completed 5th grade in May 2024 this summer.

VBS Times:
Preschool 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Elementary 6:00 PM - 8:50 PM.

Check In:
Check all kids into the kiosks located in the Lobby outside of the Sanctuary. Preschoolers are dropped off and picked up and in their classrooms in the Ministry Center and elementary students are dropped off and picked up in the Sanctuary.

Students should come dressed in play clothes and shoes they can run in.

T-shirt Iron-ons:
We will be giving t-shirt iron-ons to you for your child's VBS t-shirt. We ask that you purchase a navy blue t-shirt for them to wear. We will send these home on Day 2. Your child will be asked to wear their VBS shirt on Sunday, June 9th at our VBS celebration so we can all look o-fish-al together as we celebrate all that God did.

We'll email a Daily Newsletter with VBS info to you each day to keep you in the loop!!

On the last day, your child will receive a completion certificate, a keepsake photo of their crew. They will also receive daily items from the different VBS stations.

VBS Celebration:
We will have a celebration at the 11:15 AM worship service in the sanctuary on the Sunday following VBS, June 9th where you and your family/friends are invited to attend. You will get to hear all about what your children learned about as THEY get to lead the service in song and skits about everything they learned this week about their friendship with Jesus. If you're not able to make it, please let me know.

Want to be a part of our fun week? Sign up to volunteer today. We have many jobs you can consider doing. And, we offer free childcare for your younger children while you volunteer.

Volunteers must attend one orientation, on May 22nd or 23rd at 7 PM in Room 101. Can't attend? Please contact Chrissy Richardson to arrange a meeting time.

We love teaching your children, but after we're done, there is a lot to clean up. If you can, please stay and help us clean up on Friday night after VBS. We have a lot of decorations to take down and your help is greatly appreciated!