• Reconciliation and First Communion is a two-year program, with the first year is a sacramental preparation year, and the second year is the sacramental year. 
  • All surrounding parishes are on a two year sacraments program.  This helps to ensure the family knows about of their faith, and most importantly Jesus. 
  • Attendance and participation of the family is very important before receiving any of the sacraments.
  • Registrations will be accepted through the whole school year. 
  • Those children who are eligible for First Communion this year need to be enrolled and attending classes by Nov 6th.  For those who are not enrolled by the deadline they will have to wait until the following year to receive First Communion.
  • September 25th is the first day of classes. Classes begin at 9 am and end at 10:10am.  Please pick up your child from their classroom.