We welcome all children entering Kindergarten to Grade 6
Participant Fee: $60/child
Methods of Payment are as follows:
• Send etransfer to finance@resurrectionparish.ca
• In the Message/Note area please put your family name after VBS so we can assign the payment to the correct registration. Example: "VBS Johnson"
• If a password is required, make the password "vbs23" all lowercase.
• Call the Finance office at 306-352-0901
Make cheque payable to 'Resurrection Parish'. Please include your child's name so we can assign the payment to the correct registration.
- Mail to:
VBS Resurrection Parish
c/o Finance Office
3155 Windsor Park Road
Regina, SK S4V 1B3
- Drop off:
Resurrection Parish Office – please deposit in the mailbox outside the office front door.
Thank you!* If your family requires financial assistance in order to register additional children for VBS, this can can be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.