Jordan Lutheran Church and Jordan UCC will hold its very first JOINT VBS with 2 sessions!

******AM session is 9am-11:45am******

*****PM session is 6:30pm-8:15pm*****

We are very excited to be able to hold a Joint VBS this year to bring the community together.



or Ann:


Make sure to put which session your child will be attending in the Comments of the Sign-up.

AM session is 9am-11:45am

PM session is 6:30pm-8:15pm


What is different?

* We will have one location and two sessions.

* VBS will be run by both churches.

* We are hoping this will bring opportunity for families who are busy during the day to be able to attend a night session and vice versa!

Volunteer Opportunities:

Adults* and Teens from entering 7th grade on up can volunteer to help. The option is on the registration form. *All adult volunteers will be asked to complete a background check or give us a copy of your background check if it is less than 5 years old.