Take God's Word to the World!

"Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path."  Psalm 119:105

Most of us in North America have access to a Bible at home or on our phones.  The comfort, hope, and truth of Scripture is within reach...whenever we want it.  Yet, for millions of people around the world, owning a Bible in their own language feels like an impossible luxury.  

Bible stories or passages must be shared through word of mouth.

Sunday school teachers struggle to help children grow in faith, without access to Scripture.

In some communities, even pastors don't have a Bible in their own language.

But we can change that!

We are partnering with World Vision and other churches like ours to provide Bibles to millions of children and families around the world.  That's a huge goal, so we're excited for your kids to tackle it!

And once the Bibles are purchased, they're not simply handed out.  Funding for the Bibles also allows local discipleship ministries to provide parenting classes, Bible clubs, VBS programs, and Sunday school classes (both is churches and schools).

Please help support this amazing mission by donating any evening during VBS week!