Participant Registration

Parents or Guardians, click below to register kids for this event.


Volunteer Registration

Click below to register as a volunteer for this event.



Thank you for your interest in Holy Family Catholic Church VBS this summer. Once you have completed the volunteer or camper registration please pay the VBS fees through the attached link to the Parish Faith Direct online payment portal: 

Camper payments - $75 per child, $5 discount per family for multiple campers.

Volunteer payments- $25 per volunteer (includes cost of supplies, t-shirt and food)

If your family is in need of a scholarship for the cost of VBS please feel free to contact VBS Director Katie Bystedt at or the church office at (714) 639-2900. No child will be turned away due to financial concerns.


Donations towards supplies, scholarships, aquarium truck or our service project are always appreciated. Or please consider contributing supplies from our Amazon Wishlist: Snack donations: