We have two projects we will be working on for our missional offering this summer. One will be local and the other international. 

Our local project is to collect nonperishable food items for a local food bank. Food banks struggle to keep food on their shelves during the summer because the need is greater with kids at home from school. Items that are needed are:

· meals in a can (soup, stew, chili)

· Tuna or canned chicken

· Peanut butter

· Canned foods with pop-top lids

· Canned fruit in its own juice or water

· Low-sodium canned vegetables

· Olive or canola oil

· Spices

· Low-sugar whole grain cereals

· Healthy snacks (granola bars, nuts, dried fruit)

· rice

Our international project is to raise monies for Operation Kid to Kid- where kids help kids. This year our offerings will be donated to buy mosquito nets. $10 will buy a large mosquito net that will help protect two or more children for four years! Our goal is to raise enough to buy 30 nets! Let's see how many we can buy.