Kids! Get ready to make a splash!

We think it’s possible for kids to create a ripple effect that can impact the world around them in ways they will never forget. God dropped you onto this planet to do the same thing — to make waves. Join us for a memorable week that encourages kids to grow in their faith as they understand how to make waves and share God’s love with the people around them.

Through interactive activities such as awesome crazy games, energetic worship, crafts and age appropriate lessons, your children will learn that...

  • God made people with a purpose.

  • You can trust Jesus with your life.

  • God can help you change the world around you.

  • And so much more!!!

PLUS!!!! Get a chance to WIN a Nintendo Switch!!!! Every kid who attends will be entered into a drawing. Earn more chances to WIN by inviting your friends to join you for the week. The more friends you bring the more chances to WIN!!!!

Online registration closes Friday July 29th. Sign up online to skip the lines for walk-in registrations the morning of camp 😊

Got questions? Contact High Pointe Church

PH. 860-935-0357
