Hello Parents/Guardians!


Thank you for registering your child(ren) for Discovery on Adventure Island VBS 2021 at CUMC!  We are looking forward to an awesome week with your young person(s)!


We want to share some information that is intended to make everyone’s two days smooth and as time-efficient as possible.

Before you register your child, they must entering 2nd through the 5th grade in the fall in order to participate in this VBS session. Our nursery will be available for all children who do not fit that criteria ONLY IF you are also signing you or your child's caregiver up as a volunteer. Please contact the church office at 502.241.8984 to sign them up for the nursery.


Before VBS begins:  Please be sure to print and sign the photo/medical release form located on the documents page of this website. Bring it with you the first day you attend VBS.  

Don't have a printer?  Don't worry, we will have plenty of forms that can be filled at on site.


Your 2 day session of VBS:

Please be sure to dress your kiddo(s) in comfortable clothes and shoes.  We will get occasionally wet and messy.  No fancy duds please. 


When you sign in Day 1 you can fill out photo/medical release if you were not able to do so beforehand. 

The first day is always CRAZY.  We ask in advance for patience.  We want only the safest and best things for your precious kiddos.  It will get easier, we promise.


Signs and helpers will be in the Sanctuary helping guide you to where you need to take your child.  We will take them from you at the outer aisles inside the sanctuary and guide them into the inner aisles and into the appropriate group.  If that makes no sense to you, don’t worry, we are happy to guide you through.



Someone must sign in and sign out each child.  We must confirm any allergies and a contact number with you.  Please tell of any pickup/ dropoff changes we might need to know at that time.


PLEASE have your child(ren) use the restroom before leaving the house or upon arrival before signing in.  This is very important!!  This can be a huge distraction and takes away what little time we have to get from station to station. It can really make their day go more smoothly if they visit the restroom before VBS begins.


If your child should require a change of clothes, we will notify you of the need.  You may just have a spare set in the car ready.  But we won’t call if they are a little wet or messy because they are having fun and making memories. 


We traditionally perform a couple of our VBS songs on the following Sunday.  It is a great chance for the children to shine!  Please consider visiting us for that service.  It is child-focused and fun because we let the kids run most of the service.  It is truly a blessing!

Throughout the week, your children may even volunteer to have a role for Sunday.  From bulletins, to greeter, to prayer, to scripture, with an occasional surprise here and there. 

Even if you have a church home, it is too good to miss! 

If you do not have a church family, we would love to have you visit!

More information will come home during the week of VBS about Sunday's activities. 


The church office is OPEN during VBS - 502.241.8984


Thank you again for sharing your children with us during their VBS session!

The CUMC 2021 VBS Team