Participant Registration

Parents or Guardians, click below to register kids for this event.



We are accepting payments 1 of 3 ways:

1. You can bring the cash/check into the church office at 11000 National Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90064.

2. Mail a check to the same address, made out to St. John’s Presbyterian Church. Make sure to write your child’s or children’s name on the check.

3. You can pay online! There is a 3% processing fee for paying via credit card and no fee for paying by eCheck. Follow the instructions below to pay in a few easy steps.

-Follow this link

-Select how many children you are registering.

-Enter your debit or credit card information. Remember there is a 3% fee for paying by credit card and no fee for paying by debit/eCheck.

The price is $65 per child when registering before June 5th. After June 5th and any walk ups on the first day of VBS will be $75 per child.


VBS Donations

Donations are welcome and greatly appreciated!

End of the Week VBS Celebratory Picnic