Participant Registration

Parents or Guardians, click below to register kids for this event.


Volunteer Registration

Volunteer Registration is not currently available online


Don’t want VBS to end? Kids entering 4th Grade and above can join us at VBS Plus from 12:15-4pm!

In VBS you learned what it means to shine Jesus’ light. Come join us for an afternoon of being Jesus’s hands and feet as we help others in and around our community. VBS Plus will focus on helping communities in and outside of Hilliard, as we take off campus trips to do service missions. After VBS we will have a lunch together, spiritual time, and then we will set off to do our mission work.

Suggested payment for VBS Plus afternoon session only is $100 per child (families with 3 or more siblings should contact Nikki Buskirk or Jon Osmundson for pricing). Registration and payment is due no later than July1, 2024. If your child is attending both the morning VBS session and the afternoon VBS Plus session, the total cost per child is $120 (families with 3 or more siblings should contact Nikki Buskirk or Jon Osmundson for pricing).

To pay online now, click on the link below. Enter the payment amount and make sure to include your child/children’s name(s) as well as “VBS Plus” if attending just the afternoon session or “VBS and VBS Plus” if attending both the morning and the afternoon sessions, in the comment box.

We never want the cost of attending to keep anybody away. Scholarship money is happily available.


Donations are welcome and greatly appreciated!